Fotografer Ini 4 Tahun Foto Wanita Cantik di 60 Negara, Hasilnya…

pada 7 tahun lalu - by

Mihaela Noroc, fotografer asal Rumania, berkeliling ke 60 negara selama empat tahun terakhir untuk satu tujuan, memfoto sejumlah wanita di tiap negara.

Dia melakukan hal itu dalam sebuah proyek yang diberi nama The Atlas of Beauty.

“Tujuan utama saya ingin menunjukan bahwa setiap wanita bersinar seperti bintang karena kecantikan itu berbeda, dan bukan hanya diperlihatkan di media massa,” katanya yangUzone.idkutip dariBored Panda.

(Wanita di Ethiopia/ copyright: Mihaela Noroc)

“Bagi saya, kecantikan alami bukan soal umur, warna kulit atau trend. Anda dapat melihatnya di Afrika atau eropa, di pedesaan atau perkotaan,” tambahnya.

(Wanita di Azerbaijan/Copyright: Mihaela Noroc)

(Wanita Amazon/Copyright: Mihaela Noroc)

Atlas of Beauty sendiri dirangkum di dalam sebuah buku dengan total 500 foto. Namun, beberapa hasil karyanya dapat dilihat di Instagram. Seperti di foto berikut ini:


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Tutku is from Istanbul, Turkey. She experienced many heart breaking moments in her life, but her positive spirit always gave her the strength to move forward. Her mother had several miscarriages before giving birth to her. When she was a child, her father paralysed and Tutku had to start working for a living at an early age. Her determination paid off and a few years ago she became a chef. But again life hit her hard. One day Tutku totally lost her hearing. She went to many doctors but her case seemed hopeless. “Once, I was staying on my balcony. And I closed my eyes and said to myself: If, when I will open my eyes, I will see at least a bird on the sky that means I will hear again. I was afraid to open my teary eyes and I stayed a long time like that. When I finally had the courage to look on the sky, I saw two birds.” After a while Tutku received an innovative implant that provides a sense of sound. Now she can work again, as a chef, but her hearing is still weak and that’s a huge challenge in a busy restaurant. But Tutku didn’t complain, when we met. In the contrary: She was grateful for every second of her new life. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Turkey

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