Kilang Minyak Pertamina Terbakar, "Indramayu" Jadi Trending Topic Twitter

Ilustrasi (Foto: Gary Ellis / Unsplash) - Peristiwa kebakaran besar terjadi di kilang minyak PT Pertamina RU VI Balongan, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat, pada Senin (29/3/2021), pukul 00.30 WIB.Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil melaporkan bahwa untuk sementara 500-an orang yang dievakuasi ke GOR dan pendopo. "Ada 5 orang luka berat dan 15 luka ringan," tutur pria yang akrab disapa Kang Emil itu.
Banyak doa dan rasa empati disampaikan netizen melalui Twitter. Bahkan, nama "Indramayu" masuk jadi trending topic dengan lebih dari 55 ribu twit saat artikel ini dibuat.
Terbakarnya kilang minyak PT Pertamina RU VI Balongan juga jadi isu hangat media luar negeri.
BACA JUGA: Konten Bom Teroris Marak, Menkominfo Ajak Netizen Komplain ke Facebook hingga Twitter
Ini indramayu ya.
— Haris (@andika_hn) March 28, 2021
Belum neraka.
Stay safe peoples! Keep your family away from high risk condition, in the dunya and akhirah.
Sad morning. Woke up with the news of Pertamina's oil refinery in Indramayu. What a huge fire explosion. I'm very sad of the workers inside. My deep condolences.
— a-jeng ???? 2.2 ???? (@peacheswty) March 28, 2021
Pertamina Balongan Indramayu
— ???? faizul muttaqin t-nya ada dua (@maz_faiz) March 29, 2021
from this to this
tw // fire , siren
— rose ???????? (@seohoyaaa) March 29, 2021
an oil refinery exploded today in indramayu, indonesia. 4 people suffer from the impact and is being treated in the hospital. please keep them in your prayer too.
this is in the neighboring district from where i
#BREAKINGNEWS Earlier today, massive explosion occurred at the Balongan oil refinery, in the #Indramayu area of West Java province. The explosion was heard up to a radius of dozens of kilometres from the epicentre. The cause behind the massive blast is still unclear. #SEAToday
— SEA Today News (@seatodaynews) March 29, 2021
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